Prologue :

A Caricature is either a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness, or in literature, a description of a person using exaggeration of some characteristics and oversimplification of others.

Caricatures can be insulting or complimentary and can serve a political purpose or be drawn solely for entertainment value.

DIY Company Caricature :
     Cartoons   \Toon Home Repairs \Townsville Clients \ Handyman | 13/11/07

Client : D-I-Y Business.
Brief : Create a likable and easily recognizable character Logo for promotional purposes. Based on company frontman.
Medium : Pen Sketch (on Cartridge) 28cm by 20cm : recreated in Adobe Illustrator 2005 a.d
Cartoon character Business Card : Stuey Thomson Business card
Client: © Stewart Thomson.
Brief : Create a simple generic
cartoon character for promotional purposes.
Medium : Pen and Ink Sketch (on Cartridge)
12cm by 8cm : image and text enhanced and manipulated in Adobe Photoshop 2003 a.d

Artwork Details :
     Artists Description and general comments.
Client : Multiples.
Brief :
Creat Cartoon characters for related industries
Medium :
Digital illustration : created in Adobe Photoshop 2006 a.d.
Soundtrack (
music to draw to) :
mindless Techno
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"Freedom is just a hallucination created by a pathological lack of paranoia."
Similar ArtWork :
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Punkinhead updated 21/09/00 Pun-kin'Head, Vegan nightmare :
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Music to draw to :

music player
I made this music player at

All music, literature and cinema advertised within this website has passed through my personal collection and reflects my distinctive taste and inspirational sources.
Affiliates :

All music, literature and cinema advertised within this website has passed through my personal collection and reflects my distinctive taste and inspirational sources.