ASTRO LOCO (2021) - scifi film banner art
AU: Amazone Prime.
USA: Amazon prime
UK: Amazon Prime
Trasharama Film Festival Premier @ Monsterfest Melbourne AU (2017)
Film Posters are used to promote a cinematic movie release and to a lesser extent advertise Direct to DVD releases. There may be several posters created for the one film, with variations in size, content and country of production of the poster. The poster usually contains a photographic or illustrated image or montage of images with associated text. These Posters have evolved over time from image-free bill posters through to the current highly visual digital productions. Usually the poster will display the film's title in large lettering and often billing the names of the main or most bankable actors at the top. There may also be a tag line (Be afraid...Be very afraid, In space no one can here you scream, Just because they serve you doesn't mean they like you, If Nancy doesn't wake up screaming, she won't wake up at all*.---- go offsite for examples of bad taglines: which is entirely subjective as some of the worst lines are the best ), the director's name, names of characters, the release date, etc. |
The Anatta Chronicles
Concept Poster Art
Stalkher (2015)
AU: Theatrical Release.
USA: VOD & unrated Blu. UK: Amazon streaming video

A Trilogy of Double Bill Short films (2014)
Bad Behaviour (2013) Released Theatrically: Germany, Australia, Home Media: UK, Thailand, Malasia.VOD: America
Solum (2011)
(Short Film fest. Circuit) |
Sinbad and t he Minotaur
(Worldwide Release 2011)

Bad Behaviour (2013) Released: UK, Germany, Australia, Thailand, Malasia.

(Pre-Production Concept Art)

Bad Behaviour (2013) Released: UK, Germany, Australia, Thailand, Malasia.

Beyond Vice TV II
(Limited AU Screening/DVD Release)

Townsville Vice
(Limited AU Screening/DVD Release)

Living Color( 1999)
( Australian TV Release)
The same images may appear in a film exhibitor's pressbook and are also be used on websites, DVD (and historically VHS) packaging (see Townsville Vice and its sequel Beyond Vice as examples), flyers, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, etc. By the early 1900s, Film Posters began to feature illustrations of a scene from each individual film or an array of overlaid images from several scenes. Other movie posters have used artistic interpretations of a scene or even the theme of the film, represented in a wide variety of artistic styles. Here's a link to another interesting topic Is Blu-Ray Artwork Replacing Classic Movie Covers?.... and also 15 Over-Used Movie Poster Clichés and for the less literate just watch it on youtube. Another Aspect of film poster design relates to the Film title design. It has been an essential part of any motion picture. Originally a motionless piece of artwork called title art, it slowly evolved into an artform of its own.

5 Blue Dogs
(Pre-Production Concept Art)