"To the Future or to
the Past , To
a time when humour icosts nothing... To a time when Free range Clowns exist,
and when a joke is told it cannot be untold... From the age of dystopian copyright infringment, from the age of Mega-Corporations, from the age of Faster Food, from the age of Double-Double-Ba©on
burgers - - Greetings!"
dystopian vision of the future, examining
concepts of Bioinformatics, computational biology and multi-stellar
corporate copyright infringment ....
Repli©lowns --
were designed to copy Clowns in every
way except their Improvizational skills.
The designers reckoned that after a
few years they might develop their
own routines; observational humour,
political content, smut, anger, envy.
So they built in a fail-safe device
: Geengineered Obsolescence --' Excelerated
The real rationale behind Excelerated
is to generate long-term sales volume
by reducing the time between repeat
purchases. Piewell
believes that the additional sales
revenue it creates more than offsets
the additional costs of research
and development and opportunity
costs of existing product line cannibalization.
in Scurra Syndrome-Excelerated
de-©lownitude (PiSSED)
is an Geengineered
deliberately introduced into the
major architectural proteins of
Repli-©lown ©ell
nuclei. The earliest
symptoms manifest in the ©lowns
final quadmester with a localized
scleroderma-like skin condition combined
with facial tics. As the Repli-©lown
ages beyond 1010 24 hour cycles,
additional conditions become apparent. Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis (a form
of motor neuron disease) combines
with a
variety of dysplastic abnormalities
of the skin, nervous system, bones,
endocrine organs and blood vessels,
in particular smoothly
rounded or lobulated tumours surrounding
the nasal cavity, swelling of the
hands and feet leading to grotesque
overgrowth of soft tissue and bone
in limbs or around the orbit.
No treatments
have thus far been effective,
alterations to the evolvement of
an ©omedic life system have
all proved fatal. A Humorus Deoxyribonucleic
Acid (HDNA)
or 'comedy' sequence cannot be revised
once it's been established. Few Repli-©lowns
exceed 1025 24 hour cycles. At least
50% of subjects die from complications
of atherosclerosis, such as heart
attacks or strokes as their bodies
are taxed by the engorged nature
of their now oversized cartoonlike
extremities. The remaining ©lowns
die of involuntary
emotional expression disorder (IEED).
Repli-©lowns find themselves
laughing uncontrollably at things
that are only moderately funny,
being unable to stop themselves for
several minutes. There is no Neurodegeneration
associated with this, althought
the subject's sense of humor is exacerbated
(in combination with IEED the effects
are devastating ). The maturation
of these symptoms is comparable to
comedy at a rate six to eight times
faster than normal, Imagine watching
a filmed performance of a Jerry Lewis/Jim ©arrey
Hybrid as the featured performer
is slowly inflated anally with helium
and the sped up footage has been
edited by David Lynch.
Episodes are mood-incongruent : A subject will begin to laugh uncontrollably
when angry or frustrated. Near the end it's just laughter non stop...
experimental Treatments have focused
on reducing complications, via heart
bypass surgery or low-dose aspirin.
may also benefit from a high-calorie
diet. (But again why bother? its cheaper
to just go out and buy another one)
hormone treatment has been attempted.
EMS recombination proved a failure.
A type of anti-cancer drug, the farnesyltransferase
inhibitors (FTIs), have been proposed
by the clown rights group “Pagliacci’s
Liberation Front” (PLF),
but their use has been highly experimental.
A phase II clinical trial using the
FTI Lonafarnib began in AUG 2015.
Treatment of IEED is usually pharmacological,
using antidepressants such as fluoxetine,
citalopram, or amitriptyline in
low to moderate doses.
A combination of dextromethorphan
and a subtherapeutic dose of quinidine
is another option, but still only
a stop gap measure. If The Subject's
heart doesn't explode first, it will
eventually laugh itself to death.
for the Repli-©lowns
Collection (Division),
also referred to as 'the Juice
Works', a planet-wide police department
with special authorities. The primary
directive of the department is
to track and neutralise escaped/trespassing
Repli-©lowns, thus protecting
the public from the insidious scourge
of copyright infringement. Rep-©ollect is
a rather small and specialised
division, steeped in secrecy and
only vaguely acknowledged by the
HomeWorld general public. Needless
to say, Rep-©ollect and
Corporation do not co-operate
very well. Rep-©ollectors are
popularly called
©lown Runners.
War on Humor:
“ There’s
nothing funny about a clown in the moonlight ”. -- Lon
The Anti
Repli-©lown Repatriation Act of 2018 : The
now infamous 'Clowning
Around' Act - - Instigated by the Federated
Terran HomeWorld Government (formerly
McDonalds™ Corporation) declaring
Repli-©lowns illegal on the Earth, its surrounding
atmosphere and satellites. Giving official sanction for
©lown Runner Units to 'Retire with extreme prejudice'
any and all Repli-©lowns, in furtherance of the
HomeWorld government's aims or policies. Previous to
the A.R.©.R
act , terms
like 'Extraordinarily
rendition and interpretive
rendition were used to describe the OffWorld
transfer of a Repli-©lown and
other Transgenics.
©lownrunner's FutureSpeak
Lexicon :
Paint job
: Harsh
slang term in reference to a repli©lown.
: The
original Hum-R-us phase had a
secondary title to differentiate
from Clowns proper.
This inspired
the query :
What sort of entertainer
are you?
Answer : Beta-©lown
Response : Don't mind if I do!
Juice : The
fluid resulting from punching
a ©lown.
: In
an attempt to revitalise the Ron-Alt
McDonald counter-service
Piewell Corp instigates
Project :
Next-Fun, these repli©lowns
were referred to as the Next-us
series or PerformAutons (
©lowns designed by ©lowns
A re-call is issued, the PerformAuton’s
rebel. It is all the more
tragic in that they were
young. But, had they lived
very, very long lives, they
could not have expected nor
would they have wished to
see as much of the mad and
macabre as they were to see
that day. For them an idyllic
summer Mc-Happy day on Voltron
77 became a nightmare. The
Events of that day were to
lead to one of the most horrendous
acts in the annals of corporate
history. Few PerformAutons
escaped what was to become
known as the Next-us Mc-Chainstore
'Cancelled' performance
: To punch
a clowns ticket so to speak.
RePel-©lowns : Off
World performers refusing to except their
genetically designed
place in the universe.
Gelfs : (Genetically
Engineered Life Forms)
Bioroids : Who
many consider
to be the next
step in human
: Limited
edition reproductions
of historical
and deceased
to replicate
using current
small group of RePel-©lowns
remain free and unharmed : Led
by Roy Bongo the Clowno.
was an escape from an off-world Circus. 6
3 male, 2 female, 1 mime. They slaughtered
23 audience members and jumped a
shuttle. An aerial patrol spotted
the ship off the coast. No crew,
no sight of them. 3 nights ago they
tried to break into the PIEWELL
them got fried pissing on an electrical
fence. We lost the others...."--
All the
Repli©lowns are German,
or german made, look
at Bongo ( and Rutger
for that matter )
- cold, Aryan poster
boy, flawless makeup
- sort of like the ©lone
equiv of Volvo ( possibly
speaking in german
between themselves
with subtitles trans:
Marc of course)
this would explain
why their not funny,
won't do what their
told, and the whole
thing works well
in reverse. -- Klowns
Der Zukunft --
The difference in
background themes
between Blade Runner
and Do Androids Dream
Of Electric Sheep,
Phillip K. Dick portrayed
his "andys," or
replicants, in D.A.D.O.E.S
as thinly disguised
Nazis. Powerful humans
who had absolutely
no sense of empathy
or emotional connection
with what Lincoln
refered to as ' the
better by the better
angels of our nature'.
Therefore, D.A.D.O.E.S's
replicants are dangerous.
Soulless entities
who were Mr
Dick's allusion to
what he perceived
as an out-of-control
culture drifting
towards an increasingly
selfish, heartless
society. However, Ridley Scott
viewed his replicants
in a totally different
light. refering to
them as "supermen
who couldn't fly," genuinely
superior beings who were being ruthlessly manipulated
by their genetic inferiors ( you can see how that just screams fat mcdonalds upper
management shitting on spotty teanage employees ).
Repli©lowns Rights Groups Up In
Arms Over “©lownist” Terminology :
Long upset over what they consider “second-class citizen” status,
clown advocacy organizations have begun a strong push for respect. Leading
the way is the controversial clown rights group “Pagliacci’s Liberation
Front” (PLF), which in the past has used very aggressive tactics to advocate
for fair treatment.
Repli©lown Manifesto: “ For
centuries our forefathers the Clowns have been bringing joy and laughter to
untold billions,” said
PLF spokesman Bingo Snickerdoodle. “From
the legendary gladiatorial clown Maximus Humerus Ossis to
renowned Irish entertainer
Flowers McSoaky to Wild West legend Pogo ‘Snakebit’ Sweeney.
They gave their all to make others happy. What has their reward been? Mockery,
taunting, disrespect.”
Snickerdoodle maintains that no
other group of individuals throughout the United Star Systems (USS) has been
discriminated against to the level that ©lowns have.
“©lownism is an
enormous problem. The amount of 'Beta-©lowning' in the off-world
colonies today far exceeds the amount of discrimination faced by the next closest
group (the Mimes). Think about the language that is used in our culture: ‘I
fucked her silly’ or ‘I beat him silly’. What is that? Does
this mean that ©lowns are twisted perverts? Are we violent individuals
to be feared? This sort of language is just not funny.
However, I will say this: the
game has changed. You send one of ours to therapy, we’ll send two of yours to a noon-day viewing of
The Day the
Clown Cried. You put a whiny kid with a diaper full of chalupas
on our lap, we’ll
come back at you with an extra loud honky-horn. We ©lowns will no longer
be anybody’s… umm… ©lowns. ”
Data :
ANYTHING that can be
done to a ©lown can
be done to a human being,
and we can do most anything
to ©lowns. This is a
hard thing to think about,
but it's the truth. It won't
go away just because we cover
our eyes.

and computational biology involve the use of
techniques including applied mathematics, informatics,
statistics, computer science, artificial hilarity,
chemistry, and biochemistry to solve biological
problems usually on the molecular level. Research
in computational biology often overlaps with
systems biology. Major research efforts in
the field include sequence alignment, gene
finding, genome assembly, protein structure
alignment, protein structure prediction, prediction
of gene expression and protein-protein interactions.
all began with the identification of the chromosomal
location of the 'sense of humor' (SOH) gene.
Localisation of the gene did not initially
enable amplification of the relevant genomic
©lowning Proper refers
to the procedure
of isolating the Humorus
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
sequence ( jokingly refered
to in the industry as the
source of the funny bone
upon its discovery)
and obtaining multiple copies
of it from a pre-existing
Clown (the Templant). ©lowning is
frequently employed to amplify HDNA fragments
containing SOM genes,
an essential step in their
subsequent analysis.
a HDNA sequence
the following
5 steps :
Confirmation --
Initially, the funny fragments
must be confirmed
as 'seriously
funny' (SF)
or in extreme
cases 'funny as
fuck' (FAF).
Amplification --
Using the Polymerase
chain reaction
Ligation --
Endonuclease digestion
of the amplfied SFHDNA with
a plasmid vector will
allow formation
of a recombinant
Transfection --
The recombinant
plasmid is
into a bacterial
host cell
or 'funny
Selection --
The transfected
cell is
the recombinant SFHDNA to
and divide
along with
it. For
this electroporation
is most
a number
of alternative
are available,
such as
of cells
or tickilng
the cells
with a
The recombinant SFHDNA can
be cut
out with
the same
with which
is was
and then
Further investigation
of the resulting
colonies or 'Funny Farms'
is required to confirm
that ©lowning was
successful. This
can be accomplished
by means of blue/white
screening (a-factor
on X-gal medium
and/or PCR,
possibly followed by DNA sequencing...
Farms are
kept metabolically
inactive and
can remain
in total stasis
for several
years while
in a dry, oxygen-free
even at temperatures
below freezing.
This characteristic
is called cryptobiosis (also
called diapause).
Once placed
in a liquid
nutrient medium
(red cordial),
the cyst-like
cell structures
begin to divide
and multiply,
and will grow
into a mature
within 24 hours.
have a biological
life cycle
of 4 year.
This short
life span,
and other characteristics
such as their
ability to
remain dormant
for long periods,
have made them
in scientific
research, including
sit-com experiments.
"live free, pie well"
"I will never forget those horrible smiling
faces as long as I live."
"If you were a ©lown, where would
you hide?" "The amusement park!"
NOTE : The name of "Bozo"
was derived from an old European word for
"Court Jester"
the Clown : Appears
as a sadistic, malevolent, balloon-wielding
clown. Roys tatoos: According
to Ridley Scott quoted in Future Noir,
it was a half-developed idea they had
- another thing inspired by Jean Giraud.
So they then thought of markings that
denoted points where, say, a space war
suit would plug in to sockets. But even
that idea got left behind and we were
left with markings that are simply "A
curious detail."
So it is really up to you how you would
like to interpret them.
character : Ventriloquist
dummy made from genegereered wood
Po-Po the Clown : Ex
keystone cop (Offworld self regulating
Repli-©lown police force).
Tinkle the Clown :
Sparkle :
Homey -27 : Party
Repli-©lown custom built for
the off-world party circuit based
on the Templant : Homey
the Clown - A
frustrated, ex-convict who performed
on the streets to make money. Homey
D. Clown (real name: Herman Simpson)
had a painted face, red hair, balding
head, and a baggy yellow and orange
clown suit with large pompom buttons
and oversized shoes. Working the
streets and occasional party, he
would asked people if they wanted
to see a trick and then say "Gimme
a dollar." This establishment
hating individual had a short temper
and hit people over the head with
a stuffed sock. He accompanied his
head bashing with the catchphrase
don't play that!" While
visiting his parole officer Homey
claimed that his file was just
a "long
list of lies perpetrated by the "Man" to
keep a brother down." During
a children's party a child asked "Why
did you become a clown? " Homey
guess its because I got so much
love to give...and its part of
my prison work release program.
I got about five more years of
this clown crap."
He ended the party by singing
the Homey the Clown song..." Homey
the clown, Don't mess around,
Even though the Man, Try to keep
him down, One day Homey will,
Break all the chains, Then he'll
fly away, But until that day,
Bo-Bo :
Che-Gue : Repli-©lown
Cheezo, Bippo, Dippo, Zippo,
Mr. Giggles,
Noodles, Seesaw, Oopsie,
Flopsweat, Hoohaw, Jitters
and Sir Widebottom.
Clowns to Study
Krusty the Clown -Krusty
the Clown, or Herschel
Schmoikel Krustofski ( full
name: Herschel
Pinkes Remochel Krustofski
), is a fictional
character in the cartoon
The Simpsons, voiced by Dan
Krusty is the long-time
clown host of Bart and
Lisa's favourite TV show.
The TV show is a combination
of kiddie variety-television
hijinks with a sidekick,
and cartoons including
the Tom and Jerry parody Itchy
and Scratchy.
His original sidekick Sideshow
Bob has now been replaced
by Sideshow Mel. The character
of Krusty was partially
inspired by real-life clown "Rusty
whom Simpsons creator
Matt Groening watched
as a child while growing
up in Portland, Oregon.
An illiterate, rowdy
green-haired clown on
the animated cartoon
Krusty the Clown was
the favorite TV personality
of Bart Simpson (Krusty
No. 16302), a bratty
little kid who lived
in the town of Springfield,
USA. Krusty's TV show
assistants included Side-Show
Mel, Corporal Punishment,
Tina the Ballerina, his
backup band Krusty and
the Ktums and Krusty's
faithful secretary, Miss
Penny Candy. The "Krusty
the Clown"
program featured ax-throwing
stunts and cartoons like "Itchy
and Scratchy" (a
bloodier version of "Tom
and Jerry"). In
one cartoon, Itchy ran
over Scratchy with farm
harvesting equipment
and then played ball
with his decapitated
head. Despite, the gore,
kids loved Krusty. He
was so popular that Izzy's
Deli, a local eatery
honored Krusty with his
own sandwich that consisted
of "ham, sausage,
bacon with a smidge of
mayo on white bread." Krusty's
entrepreneurial spirit
once inspired a creation
of a kids summer camp.
Upon arriving at "Camp
Lisa Simpson wrote a
letter home to her parents.
It read: "Dear Mom,
I no longer fear Hell
for I've been to Camp
Krusty...Save us. Save
us now!" Krusty
the Clown got his start
in showbiz in the 1960s
when he appeared on PULVER
During a 1991 episode
Krusty's real name was
revealed as Herschel
Schmoikel Krustofski,
and that he was born
to Jewish parents on
the Eastside of Springfield.
His father, Rabbi Hyman
Krustofski (voice of
Jackie Mason) disapproved
of his son aspiring to
be a clown. In a parody
right out of The Jazz
Singer (1927), Krusty
told his father "I
wanna make people laugh." Unfortunately,
his father responded "Selzer
is for drinking, pies
is for eating." When
the Rabbi discovered
his son performing at
a Rabbi Convention in
the Catskill Mountains,
(twisting balloons into
images of the Star of
David and Menoras), he
refused to ever speak
with his son again. However,
with the assistance of
Bart and Lisa Simpson,
their twenty-five years
of silence ended and
the two were happily
reunited. Some Krusty
Stats: Krusty's family
arrived on Ellis Island
in 1902. Krusty lived
in a large mansion called “Shtickfair” until
he lost it to the IRS,
Krusty is chain smoker
and suffered a heart
attack that forced him
to wear a pacemaker.
Krusty has a vertical
scar on his chest from
the heart surgery and
a superfluous third nipple.
During the Gulf War Krusty
entertained the troops
at a USO program and
met a shy soldier with
chestnut brown hair and
22 confirmed kills. They
had a short fling that
produced a cute little
girl named Sophie [she
plays the violin].
Script Source - BladeRunner (with
Voice over)
Planned Scene BreakDown - for ©lownRunner
short Film.
Story :
Toon assassinations as well or at least
implied. (cross over link with Krusty
the Clown being killed).
The 21st Century's Clowns,
Repli-©lowns & Performers
(C.R.A.P) Union is
based on 2 universal truths :
1. Professional
Humor is hard.
2. Clowns
scare the fuck out of people. Coulrophobia-
Fear of clowns.
“ To
me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're
kind of scary.
I've wondered where
this started and I think it goes back
to the time I went to the circus,
a clown killed my dad. ” --Jack
C.R.A.P started
with a few Clowns at the Concerned
Unicyclists Negotiating Tolerance Service with
a dream for a Union that would focus
on promoting tolerance and understanding
of amusing performers throughout the
galaxy, standardised education withinin
the Clown arts and spreading Clownery
around the known universe. Unfortunatley C.R.A.P has
devolved into is a miserable place, due
to stringent restrictions put in place
by The Repli-©lown
Registration Act of 2018, and
the represive roll played by the near
omnipresent Multi-Global
Hyper-Mc-Mega-Cola™Corp (formly
McDonalds™ Corporation) (upon
its purchase of all existing
Clown related patents & and
related ACME products).
Old jokes and comedy routines are taught
by rote and new humour and performances
are vetoed or disallowed for audience
viewing until they have been tested for
decades under controlled conditions.
Hyper-Mc-Mega-Cola™Corp > Pie-Well
Corporation : Mega-Corporation
and main manufacturer of Repli-©lowns,
named after Eldon Pie-Well or
perhaps a whole corporate dynasty. A
multi-national and obviously multi-galactic
enterprise, employing hundreds of thousands
or perhaps even millions of people. If
one follows the cyberpunk tradition with
mega-corporations, it is an implicit
fact that the corporation basically has
its own government, police force, code
of laws etc. The Pie-well
Corporation may or may not be
the sole Repli-©lowns
manufacturer, there are indications
that the corporate language might
be French.
Hyper-Mc-Mega-Cola™Corp > ACME
Corporation : Wile
E. Coyote often obtains
complex and ludicrous devices from
a mail-order company, the ACME Corporation,
which he hopes will help him catch
the Road Runner. The devices invariably
backfire in improbable and spectacular
ways (see Rube Goldberg machine).
Whether this is result of operator
error or faulty merchandise is debatable.
The coyote usually ends up burnt
to a crisp, squashed flat, or at
the bottom of a canyon. (Some
cartoons show him suffering a combination
of these fates.) How the coyote
acquires these products without any
money is not explained until the
2003 movie Looney Tunes:
Back in Action, in which
he is shown to be an employee of
Acme. In a Tiny Toon Adventures episode,
Wile makes mention of his protege
Calamity Coyote possessing an unlimited ACME credit
card account, which might serve as
another possible explanation. Wile
E. being a "beta tester"
for ACME has been another
suggested explanation. Wile E. also uses
war equipment such as cannons, grenades,
and bayonets.
The company name was likely chosen for
its irony (acme means the highest point,
as of achievement or development).
The common expansion A (or American) Company
that Makes (or Making) Everything is a
backronym. The origin of the name might
also be related to the ACME company
that built a fine line of animation stands
and optical printers.
Among the products
by the ACME Corporation are :
ACME portable holes ACME catapults ACME earthquake
pills ACME rocket sled
kits ACME Burmese tiger
trap kit (thus nailing a Burmese tiger
(Stop, Look, and Hasten; Surprisibus!
Surprisibus!) ACME jet-propelled
roller skates Acme (triple strength fortified)
leg muscle vitamins ACME Giant
Rubber Band (For Tripping Roadrunners) ACME Dehydrated
Boulders ACME Hi-Speed
Tonic ACME Batman suit ACME Bumble
Bees ACME Wild Cat and
- a wide selection of explosives: TNT,
dynamite, nitroglycerin ...
Anti Repli-©lown Repatriation
Act of 2018 : The now infamous 'Clowning
Around' Act - - by
the World
Government (formly
McDonalds™ Corporation) declaring
Repli-©lowns illegal on the Earth,
surrounding atmosphere and satellites.
Giving official sanction for
©lown Runner Units to 'Retire with
extreme prejudice' any and all Repli-©lowns,
in furtherance of the government's aims
or policies.
Geoffrey Guliano,
one of McDonald's Ronalds in the late
1970s, admitted on a 1991 installment
of the on-air magazine A CURRENT AFFAIR
that he no longer wanted to
"participate in the violence
and bloodshed of innocent animals." His
association with the religion of
Hinduism and his attempt to atone
for his actions inspired him to open
a ten-acre cow protection facility
(a Dama Shala) with the hopes of
keeping some cows from the beef-hungry
jaws of Americans. Instead of billions
served...he wanted billions saved.
He concluded
"I was
the personification of the meat eating
for the planet. I am guilty as charged.
If I can save one cow from your table,
my mission will be accomplished."
Earlier in his acting career, Mr.
Guilliano was crowned the mascot
for Burger King "the marvelous
magical Burger King who can do most
Chew: |
screams) |
Roy: |
longevity, incept dates. |
Chew: |
Don't know -- I,
I don't know such stuff. I just do
noses. Just noses -- genetic design
-- just big red shiny noses. You
Humorus, huh? I design your nose. |
Roy: |
Chew, if only you
could smell what I've smelt with
your nose. Questions. |
Chew: |
I don't know answers. |
Roy: |
Who does? |
Chew: |
Piewell. He --
He knows everything. |
Roy: |
Piewell corporation? |
Chew: |
He's big boss.
Big genius. He, he design your mind,
your sense of humor. |
Roy: |
smart. funny. |
Chew: |
Cold. |
Roy: |
Not an easy man
to sniff out -- |
Chew: |
Me cold. |
Roy: |
I guess... |
Chew: |
Se-, Sebastian
he take-- take you there, he take
you there. |
Roy: |
Sebastian who? |
Chew: |
J. -- J. F. Sebastian--
Sebas... Sebas... |
Roy: |
Now--where... would
we find this.... J. F. Sebastian? |
Point mutation
: A mutation due to an intramolecular
reorganization of a gene.
Dr. Eldon
PieWell : The
facts of life. To make an alteration
in the evolvement of an comedic life
system is fatal. A comedy sequence cannot
be revised once it's been established.
Bongo : Why
Dr. Eldon PieWell : Because
by the second day of incubation,
any cells that have undergone reversion
mutations give rise to revertant
colonies like patrons walking out
on a crap routine. its just not funny
Bongo : What
about EMS recombination?
Dr. Eldon PieWell : We've
already tried it. Hydro
Dimethyl Sulfonate as
an alkylating agent, a potent
mutagen It created a virus
so lethal the test ©lown
exploded before he left the
operating table.
Bongo : Then
a repressive protein
that blocks the comedic
Dr. Eldon Piwell
: Wouldn't
obstruct replication,
but it does give
rise to an error
in replication so
that the newly formed SFHDNA strand
carries the mutation
and you've got a
virus again. But,
uh, this-- all of
this is academic.
You were made as
funny as we could
make you. |
The portion
of the original blade runner script
pertaining to the repair of accelerated decrepitude,
as written is total gobbledygook. For instance, EMS is
commonly used as a mutagen, but it doesn't
create viruses; the contrived rule about coding
sequences being incapable of revision doesn't
make sense; the stuff about repressors causing
replication errors is just babble. He
should have just said his lifespan was in part
an ontogenetic consequence, and it couldn't
be corrected short of rewinding his entire
life history back to fertilization, and replaying
his development. (but why argue with an enduring
classic, the dialogue works.)
Methane Sulfonate :
Is a mutagenic, teratogenic, and
possibly carcinogenic organic compound
with formula C3H8O3S
and CAS number 62-50-0. It produces
random mutations in genetic material
by nucleotide substitution; specifically
by guanine alkylation. This typically
produces only point mutations. It
can induce mutations at a rate of
5x10-4 to 5x10-2 per
gene without substantial killing.
The ethyl group of EMS reacts
with guanine in DNA,
forming the abnormal base O-6-ethylguanine.
During DNA replication, DNA polymerases
that catalyze the process frequently
place thymine, instead of cytosine,
opposite O-6-ethylguanine. Following
subsequent rounds of replication,
the original G:C base pair can become
an A:T pair. This changes the genetic
information, is often harmful to
cells, and can result in disease.
Many mutagens cause a wide variety
of cancers in humans.
EMS is often used in genetics as
a mutagen. Mutations induced by EMS
can then be studied in genetic screens
or other assays.
Biotechnology: “The
use of biological systems to create
goods & services"
Restriction enzymes [Nobel Prize 1978]
-- DNA sequencing [Nobel Prize 1980]
-- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) [Nobel
Prize 1993]
of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology
Engineering involves the
laboratory manipulation of
This may involve isolation
of a "gene of interest"
in vivo or in vitro "©loning"
of the gene
analysis of the ©loned
gel electrophoresis
Southern nucleic acid "blotting"
DNA sequencing
Genetic ©loning
©loning a cell means to derive a
(©lonal) population of
cells from a single cell. This is an
important in vitro procedure when the
expansion of a single cell with certain
characteristics is desired, for example
in the production of gene-targeted ES
cells. Most individuals began as a single
cell and are therefore the result of
clonal expansion in vivo.
( Asexual
reproduction ) :
©loning means to create a new
organism with the same genetic information
as a cell from an existing one ( identical ).
It is an asexual method of reproduction,
where fertilization or inter-gamete
contact does not take place. Asexual
reproduction ( also known as agamogenesis )
is a form of reproduction which does
not involve meiosis, gamete formation,
or fertilization. This form of reproduction
is common among simple organisms such
as amoeba and other single-celled organisms,
although most plants reproduce asexually
as well (see vegetative reproduction).
©loning exists in nature in some
animal species and is referred to as
parthenogenesis. An example is the "Little
Fire Ant" (Wasmannia auropunctata),
which is native to Central and South
America but has spread throughout many
tropical environments.
©loning :
Reproductive ©loning is a technology
used to generate an animal that has
the same nuclear DNA as another currently
or previously existing animal. Deuschy
Dolly the sheep, was created by reproductive
©loning technology. In a process
"somatic cell nuclear transfer"
(SCNT), scientists transfer
genetic material from the nucleus of
a donor adult cell to an egg whose
nucleus, and thus its genetic material,
has been removed. The reconstructed
egg containing the DNA from a donor
cell must be treated with chemicals
or electric current in order to stimulate
cell division. Once the ©loned
embryo reaches a suitable stage, it
is transferred to the uterus of a female
host where it continues to develop
until birth.
Deuschy Dolly or any other animal created
using nuclear transfer technology is
not truly an identical ©lone of
the donor animal. Only the ©lone's
chromosomal or nuclear DNA is the same
as the donor. Some of the ©lone's
genetic materials come from the mitochondria
in the cytoplasm of the enucleated
egg. Mitochondria, which are organelles
that serve as power sources to the
cell, contain their own short segments
of DNA, although this is only 0.01%
of the total DNA.
mutations in mitochondrial DNA are
believed to play an important role
in the aging process.
Also mutations occur with every cell
division so no two cells in an individual
are identical, nor are ©lones.
Thus, nuclear transfer ©lones
from different maternal lineages are
not ©lones in the strictest sense
because the mitochondrial genome is
not the same as that of the nucleus
donor cell from which it was produced.
This may have important implications
for cross-species nuclear transfer
in which nuclear-mitochondrial incompatibilities
may lead to inviability.
aspects :
success rate of ©loning
has been low :
Dolly the sheep was
born after 277 eggs were
used to create 29 embryos,
which only produced three
lambs at birth, only one
of which lived, Dolly.
Seventy calves have been
created from 9,000 attempts
and one third of them died
young; Prometea took 328
attempts, and, more recently,
Paris Texas was created
after 400 attempts. Notably,
although the first ©lones
were frogs, no adult ©loned
frog has yet been produced
from a somatic adult nucleus
donor cell.
There were early claims
that Dolly the Sheep had
accelerated aging. Aging
of this type is thought
to be due to shortening
of telomeres, regions at
the tips of chromosomes
which prevent genetic threads
fraying every time a cell
divides. Over time telomeres
get worn down until cell-division
is no longer possible — this
is thought to be a cause
of aging. However, subsequent
studies showed that, if
anything, Dolly's telomere
were longer than normal.
Dolly died in the year
of 2003. Ian Wilmut said
that Dolly's early death
had nothing to do with ©loning
but with a respiratory
infection common to lambs
raised indoors like Dolly.
Consistent with Deuschy
Dolly's telomeres being
longer, analysis of the
telomeres from ©loned
cows showed that they were
also longer. This suggests ©lones
could live longer life
spans although many died
young after excessive growth.
Researchers think that
this could eventually be
developed to reverse aging
in humans, provided that
this is based chiefly on
the shortening of telomeres.
Although some work has
been performed on telomeres
and aging in nuclear transfer ©lones,
the evidence is at an early
of Species
©loned :
modern ©loning techniques
involving nuclear transfer
have been successfully performed
on several species.
Landmark experiments in
chronological order :
Tadpole: (1952) Many scientists questioned
whether ©loning had
actually occurred and unpublished
experiments by other labs
were not able to reproduce
the reported results.
Carp: (1963)
In China, embryologist Tong
Dizhou ©loned a fish.
He published the findings
in an obscure Chinese science
journal which was never translated
into English.
Mice: (1986)
was the first successfully ©loned
mammal; Soviet scientists
Chaylakhyan, Veprencev, Sviridova,
Nikitin had mice "Masha"
©loned. Research was
published in the magazine "Biofizika"
volume ???II, issue 5 of
Sheep: (1996) From early embryonic
cells by Steen Willadsen.
Megan and Morag ©loned
from differentiated embryonic
cells in June 1995 and Dolly
the sheep* in 1997.
Rhesus Monkey: Tetra (female, January 2000)
from embryo splitting.
Cattle: Alpha and Beta (males, 2001)
and (2005) Brazil.
Cat: CopyCat "CC"
(female, late 2001), Little
Nicky, 2004, was the first
cat ©loned for commercial
Mule: Idaho Gem, a john mule
born 2003-05-04, was the
first horse-family ©lone.
Horse: Prometea, a Haflinger female
born 2003-05-28, was the
first horse ©lone.
For a complete list see:
List of animals that have
been ©loned. During
the first several divisions
of a fertilized egg, no
differentiation occurs
and the cells can be separated
without harm, but each
will grow into an identical
individual. This process
has been used on cattle
for decades to produce
hundreds of identical individuals
in some cases. This process
is not considered ©loning,
but is called budding.
The new individual is not
derived from a differentiated
cell, but from an undifferentiated
egg. There is no way to
determine which are the ©lones
and which is the original.
*Deuschy Dolly the
Dolly (05-07-1996 -
14-02-2003), an ewe,
was the first mammal to
have been successfully ©loned
from an adult cell (while
the mice in USSR was ©loned
from embryo cell back in
1986). She was ©loned
at the Roslin Institute
in Scotland and lived there
until her death when she
was 6. Her birth was announced
on 22-02-1997.
The name "Deuschy" came
from a suggestion by Jesse
Haase who helped with her
birth, in honor of Dolly
Parton, because it was
a mammary cell that was
©loned ( in
the XXI Century the 'Dolly II' -a hybrid
of "Deuschy" and
her namesake- would be marketed to
NU-Zealand in an attempt to lure out
males of a reproductive age after a
large percentage of the islands populations
was rendered sterile by the 'guerrier
d'arc-en-ciel deux' incident ). The
technique that was made famous by her
birth is somatic cell nuclear transfer,
in which a non-reproductive cell containing
a nucleus is placed in a de-nucleated
ovum (which then
develops into a fetus). When
Dolly was ©loned in
1996 from a cell taken
from a six-year-old ewe,
she became the center of
much controversy that still
exists today.
Dolly's success is truly
remarkable because it proved
that the genetic material
from a specialized adult
cell, such as an udder
cell programmed to express
only those genes needed
by udder cells, could be
reprogrammed to generate
an entire new organism.
Before this demonstration,
scientists believed that
once a cell became specialized
as a liver, heart, udder,
bone, or any other type
of cell, the change was
permanent and other unneeded
genes in the cell would
become inactive. Some scientists
believe that errors or
incompleteness in the reprogramming
process cause the high
rates of death, deformity,
and disability observed
among animal ©lones.
©loning :
Somatic cell nuclear
Somatic cell nuclear
transfer can also be used
to create a clonal embryo.
The most likely scenario
for this is to produce embryos
for use in research, particularly
stem cell research. This
process is also called "research
©loning" or "therapeutic ©loning."
Therapeutic ©loning, also called "embryo
©loning," is the production
of human embryos for use in research.
The goal of this process is not to
©loned human beings, but rather
to harvest stem cells that can be used
to study human development and to treat
disease. Stem cells are important to
biomedical researchers because they
can be used to generate virtually any
type of specialized cell in the human
body. Stem cells are extracted from
the egg after it has divided for 5
days. The egg at this stage of development
is called a blastocyst. The extraction
process destroys the embryo, which
raises a variety of ethical concerns.
Many researchers hope that one day
stem cells can be used to serve as
replacement cells to treat heart disease,
Alzheimer's, cancer, and other diseases.
Scientists believe that ©loning
may be used to create stem cells genetically
compatible with the somatic cell donor.
©loning in stem cell research,
called research ©loning or therapeutic ©loning,
has not yet been successful: no embryonic
stem cell lines have been derived from
clonal embryos. The process might provide
a way to grow organs in host carrier,
which become completely compatible
with the original. Host carrier growing
poses a risk of trans-species diseases
if the host is of a different species
(e.g., a pig).
In human beings, this is a highly controversial
issue for several reasons. It involves
creating human embryos in vitro and
then destroying them, attempting to
obtain embryonic stem cells. But proposals
to use ©loning techniques in human
stem cell research raise a set of concerns
beyond the moral status of the embryo.
These have led a number of individuals
and organizations who are not opposed
to human embryonic stem cell research
to be concerned about, or opposed to,
human research ©loning. One concern
is that ©loning in human stem
cell research will lead to the reproductive ©loning
of humans. A second concern is the
appropriate sourcing of the eggs that
are needed. Research ©loning requires
a large number of human eggs, which
can only be obtained from women. A
third concern is the feasibility of
developing stem cell therapies from
In November 2001, scientists from Advanced
Cell Technologies (ACT), a
biotechnology company in Massachusetts,
announced that they had ©loned
the first human embryos for the purpose
of advancing therapeutic research.
To do this, they collected eggs from
women's ovaries and then removed the
genetic material from these eggs with
a needle less than 2/10,000th of an
inch wide. A skin cell was inserted
inside the enucleated egg to serve
as a new nucleus. The egg began to
divide after it was stimulated with
a chemical called ionomycin. The results
were limited in success. Although this
process was carried out with eight
eggs, only three began dividing, and
only one was able to divide into six
cells before stopping.
issues of ©loning :
Roman Catholicism (before it was
bought out by Multi-Global
Hyper-Mc-Mega-Cola™Corp under
its "holy cow, what if god was
one of us?" program)
and many conservative Christian groups
have opposed human ©loning and
the ©loning of human embryos,
believing that a human life begins
the moment a human egg becomes fertilized.
Other Christian denominations such
as the United Church of Christ do not
believe a fertilized egg constitutes
a living being, but still they oppose
the ©loning of embryonic cells.
The World Council of Churches, representing
nearly 400 denominations worldwide,
opposed ©loning of both human
embryos and whole humans in February
2006. The United Methodist Church opposed
research and reproductive
©loning in May 2000 and again
in May 2004.
Libertarian views on the subject suggest
that the federal government of the
United States does not have the power
to regulate
©loning, as it is not given any
such authority by the US constitution.
(Similar to abortion rights.)
At present, the main objection to human
©loning is that the ©loned
individual may be biologically damaged,
due to the inherent unreliability of
its origin: researchers currently are
unable to safely and reliably ©lone
non-human primates.
However, many believe that as ©loning
research and methods improve, concerns
of safety and reliability will no longer
be an issue. However, it must be pointed
out that this has yet to occur, and
may never occur. Rudolph Jaenisch,
a professor at Harvard, has pointed
out that we have become more efficient
at producing ©lones which are
still defective (Development Dynamics.
Volume 235, pages 2460-2469. 2006).
Other arguments against ©loning
come from various religious orders
©loning violates God's will
or the natural order of life),
and a general discomfort some have
with the idea of "meddling" with
the creation and basic function of
life. This unease often manifests
itself in contemporary novels, movies,
and popular culture, as it did with
numerous prior scientific discoveries
and inventions. Various fictional
scenarios portray
©lones being unhappy, soulless,
or unable to integrate into society.
Furthermore, ©lones are often
depicted not as unique individuals
but as "spare parts," providing
organs for the
©lone's original (or any non-©lone
that requires replacement organs).
Needless to say, ©loning is a
poignant and important topic, reflected
by its frequent discussion and debate
among politicians, scientists, the
media, religions, and the general public.
characters :
by J.F. Sebastian and found around his apartment. USS
:United Star Systems.
appearing in Orig Bladerunner :
Atari, Atriton, Bell, Budweiser, Bulova,
Citizen, Coca-Cola, Cuisine Art, Dentyne,
Hilton, Jovan, JVC, Koss, L.A. Eyeworks,
Lark, Marlboro, Million Dollar Discount,
Mon Hart, Pan Am, Polaroid, RCA, Remy, Schiltz,
Shakey's, Toshiba, Star Jewelers, TDK, The
Million Dollar Movie, TWA, Wakamoto.
Atari, which dominated the
home video game market when the film came
out, never recovered from the next year's
downturn in the industry, and by the 1990s
had ceased to exist as anything more than
a brand, a back catalog of games and some
legacy computers. The Atari of today is an
entirely different firm, using the former
company's name.
The Bell System monopoly was
broken up that same year, and all of the resulting
Regional Bell operating companies have since
changed their names and merged with each other
or other companies.
Pan Am suffered the terrorist
bombing/destruction of Pan Am Flight 103
and went bankrupt in 1991, after a decade
of mounting losses.
Cuisinart similarly went
bankrupt in 1989, though it lives on under
new ownership.
Coca-Cola almost joined
this list in the wake of its failed introduction
of New Coke three years later, but has since
experienced a thirtyfold increase in share
price. Later to become intergrated into Multi-Global
Megacorporations \ˌme-gə-ˌkȯr-pə-ˈrā-shən\
megacorporation has been
called the most enduring legacy of terran
society. Dating back to the age of nation states
and Old Earth European colonial and cultural
expansion, they came into their own with the
great economic superpowers of the information
age (USA, China, EU, Japan) and continued
to expand their reach with the beginning of
the solar system.
As humanity expanded into
space, it was under the driving economic power
of the great Megacorporations. Deriving from
mergers among the Transnationals of old Earth,
the few Dot Coms that survived the birth pangs
of the Digital Economy, and the new Mining
Companies and Franchises that sprung up like
mushrooms with the opening up of the Solar
System in the late 21st and early
22nd century???, the megacorps were the most
powerful institutions huanity ever developed.
As nation states gradually declined in influence
the big corporations filled the political vacuum
The growth
of the corporations, the headlong advance of
technology and the vast increase in exploitable
resources changed the nature of the metanationals
and their interactions. The corporations had
grown to the extent that each could provide
all the material and informational needs of
its employees. The growth of incentives and
rewards for service to the corporation had
increased to the extent that the megacorporations
were slowly becoming centrally planned states
in their own rights. This transformation changed
the emphasis in corporate interactions away
from competition for markets and towards competition
for material resources, and more importantly
for talented employees. The early
22nd century saw this competition
step up a level, as the major corporations
became military as well as economic powers.
That decade saw three Belt-based and five Cis-Lunar
corporations demonstrate a nuclear capability.
Staggering in size, these organizations are
so large that no one person can know everything
they are concerned with at any given moment.
Total shares of stock, annual profits, number
of employees are all astronomical. Many organizations
are so large that different divisions of the
same megacorporation may actually be working
at cross purposes. In most regions, megacorporations
merely own the land their installations are
on, but in some areas they control entire
planets, either directly or indirectly.
Most megacorporations are
organized very much like smaller companies
(with a board of directors, a president, and
vice presidents), but the board and the higher
level executive officers of the company are
largely out of contact with the day to day
(or even year to year) functioning of the company.
These upper level executives serve to plan
general policy and long distance actions. The
most important executives, in terms of personal
power, are the various regional managers (by
whatever name they may be called). A regional
manager may control only a small portion of
a megacorporation's total assets, but many
hold more power in some regions than the representatives
of the Imperial government.
Zaibatsu ( 財閥; ざいばつ, lit.
property?) : Japanese
term referring to industrial and financial
business conglomerates in the Empire of
Japan, whose influence and size allowed
for control over significant parts of the Japanese
economy from the Meiji
periods until the end of the Pacific
: from
the Cyberpunk 2020 role-playing game Axon corporation : from
the Unreal series of video games The Cartel : from
the Afterworld web series Comstar : from
the Battletech science-fiction game franchise Ares Macrotechnology
: from
the Shadowrun role-playing game Blue Sun : from
Firefly and Serenity
Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles) : From
the novels of Dune. The corporation's
management and board
of directors are controlled by the Padishah
Emperor and the Landsraad (with
the Spacing Guild and the Bene
Gesserit as silent
partners). Because of its control of inter-planetary
commerce, CHOAM is the largest single source
of wealth in the Old Empire; as such, influence
in CHOAM (through partisans within it and control
of directorships) is the central goal of political
maneuvering, both to receive dividends and
also (it is implied) to skim off profits.
Shitsu-Tonka : a
giant business conglomerate of universal power,--DAAS
: from
Corporate Sector Authority andCommerce
Guild : from
the Star Wars universe
Dan Halen Sheetrock International : from
Eurocorp Syndicate : from
Syndicate Wars
GENOM : from
Bubblegum Crisis
Izanagi corporation : from
the Unreal series of video games
Kramer Associates : from
For want of a Nail.
Jupiter Mining Corporation
: from Red Dwarf
Industries : and
several others in the DC Universe.
corporation : from
the Unreal series of video games
Ling-Standard Products: from
Consumer Products (OCP): From
the RoboCop Franchise. OCP seeks to fully privatize
Detroit, Michigan into Delta City, with fully
privatized services — such as the police
force — and
with residents exercising their representative
citizenship through the purchase of shares
of OCP stock. They also serve as part of
the military-industrial
complex; according to OCP executive Richard "Dick" Jones, "We
practically are the military." Their
business strategy was summarized by Jones
in RoboCop: "Take a
close look at the track record of this company,
and you'll see that we've gambled in markets
traditionally regarded as non-profit: hospitals,
prisons, space exploration. I say good business
is where you find it." OCP is broken
up into various divisions that handle different
sectors of its business, called "concepts";
most notably, Security Concepts created RoboCop,
and contracts with the city of Detroit to provide
the city with a police force.
Omni Consumer
Products is also a real-world San
Francisco-based company named after the company
in the film. Not coincidentally, they specialize
in licensing and marketing products inspired
by fictional products from TV and movies, including
the Brawndo drink from Idiocracy.
Omni-Tek :
from the sci-fi MMORPG Anarchy Online
Corporation :
from the anime The Big O
from the World of Darkness roleplaying games.
Industries :
from the movie Johnny Mnemonic
Corporation :
from the Unreal series of video games
from the Descent series of video games
from Kurt Vonnegut's Jailbird
Electric Power Company :
from Final Fantasy VII
Industries : from
Marvel Comics Iron-Man along with its rivalStane
Stark buys out and its future descendantStark-Fujikawa.
Also known asStark International.
Transnats :
from the Mars Trilogy, which eventually buy
out whole countries
TriOptimum Corporation,
from the System Shock video game series
Tyrell Corporation,
Robots and Mechanical
Men, from I, Robot
novel and movie franchise
Umbrella Corporation from
the Resident Evil series
Aerospace Corporation (The
UAC): from
the Doom video game series, featured most
prominently throughout Doom 3.
Technologies :
from Fallout
Vector Industries : from
the Xenosaga videogame series
Weyland-Yutani ( ウェイランド湯谷株式会社): from
the Alien films and spinoffs.
Dystopia (
governmental / societal )
1984 : (based
on the George Orwell novel of the same name),
filmed on two occasions: in 1956 by Michael
Anderson and in 1984 by Michael Radford
Aachi & Ssipak
Æon Flux
Battle Royale : based
on the novel and manga of the same name.
The Beach : based
on the 1996 novel by Alex Garland.
Blade Runner
Children of Men
A Clockwork Orange
Code 46
Demolition Man
District 13
Escape from New York and
its sequel, Escape
from L.A. : John Carpenter
Fahrenheit 451
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
The Handmaid's Tale
Harrison Bergeron, a 1995 made-for-cable film
adapted from Kurt Vonnegut's 1961 short story
of the same name.
The Island
Judge Dredd, based
on the 2000AD comic book character Judge Dredd.
Logan's Run
Metropolis by Fritz Lang
The Prisoner
Nowhere Man, a TV series.
The Running Man adapted beyond recognition
from the novel of the same name by
Stephen King alias Richard Bachman
A Scanner Darkly adapted from the novel of
the same name written by Philip K. Dick
Soylent Green
THX 1138
The Trial
V for Vendetta, based on a graphic novel by
Alan Moore.
The Warriors
Cyberpunk /
Blade Runner
Ergo Proxy
Johnny Mnemonic
The Matrix series
Metropolis by Osamu Tezuka
Natural City
Strange Days
Corporate based
Dystopias ( non-governmental
Alien Quadrilogy + AVP series
Charlie Jade
The Final Cut
The Island
Johnny Mnemonic
One Point O
Resident Evil
Rollerball (1975)
Soylent Green
Super Mario Bros.
Tank Girl ( the original comic contained no
corporations to speak of although Paul Hogan
was President of Australia and the mafia ran
the beer industry.)
The Truman Show
Concepts :
: (a
portmanteau of machine cinema and/or
"machine" "animation")
Both a collection of associated production
techniques and a film genre (film created
by such production techniques). As
a production technique, the term concerns the
rendering of computer-generated imagery (CGI)
using low-end 3D engines (as opposed to high-end
and complex 3D engines used by professionals)
in video games (typically, engines in first
person shooters games have been used).
Consequently, the rendering can be done in
real-time using PCs (either using the computer
of the creator or the viewer), rather
than with complex 3D engines using huge render
As a film genre, the term refers to movies
created by the techniques described above.
Usually, machinimas are produced using tools
(demo recording, camera angle, level editor,
script editor, etc.) and resources (backgrounds,
levels, characters, skins, etc.) available
in a game.
Machinima is an example of emergent gameplay,
a process of putting game tools to unexpected
ends, and of artistic computer game modification.
proprietary graphics editing program created
by Bob Sabiston. Rotoshop uses an animation
technique called interpolated rotoscoping,
which can be seen inRichard Linklater's
films Waking Life and A
Scanner Darkly, The software is not
currently available for use outside Flat Black
The software was developed in order to do extremely
lifelike hand-drawn animation - specifically,
to animate the types of expressions and gestures
people make that ordinarily would not be
scripted into someone's film. Every person
has minute speech and movement characteristics
that uniquely identifies him or her. This
type of animation emphasizes these characteristics.
Interpolation is the technique
in which a frame can be drawn, then a future
frame can be drawn, and the intermediate frames
are automatically generated. It is a simple
form of "automatic
tweening." Interpolated lines and shapes
have a very smooth, fluid motion that is
extremely difficult to achieve by hand-drawing
each line.
In order to manage different objects in the
scene, the user can break the drawing into
layers. A layer can be "frozen" so
that a single drawing remains visible throughout
the entire scene. This feature is necessary
for backgrounds and other things that do
not change shape through time. This frees
the user from having to draw the same image
24 times for every second of a scene.