"The nomination of the boar hog Pigasus for President of the United States... had been the most transcendentally lucid political act of the twentieth century…" - Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminatus! Trilogy

( pìg´
əsəs )
,n.,genitive Pig
| a
A wild immortal
four-footed animal (
see: swine
) with a stout, heavy body, cloven hoofs,
a broad snout,
warty protuberances, a gnarly mane of
dred-like hair, large protruding tusks
and a pair of movable external organs
for flying ( see:
wings ). Pigasi will
eat almost anything - roots, plants,
bird's eggs, small illustrators.
Legend has it that the mighty
Pigasus leapt fully formed from the
blood of the gorgon 'Euryale', having
cut her finger whilst preparing a herbal
concoction for a relaxing evening
'in'. Though it should be mentioned
Euryale sees a lot of things when
she's having a night 'in'.
2. Illustrative
genius; the
means by which illustrators ( see:
draw, look mum I can )
soar into the realms of high-artistry,the
Pigasus is considered the steed of Illustrators:
"hey dad, I'm going to be an illustrator
"exclaimed the youth. "Pigasus"
(pronounced: Pig's
Arse) replied the father.
As one refers to a poet 'mounting the
Pegasus' when putting pen to paper,
the illustrator will mount just about
anything whether the Pigasus is around
or not.
When not observing the sexual antics
of illustrators or aviating they can
be found in the company of large marauding
mobs of Centaurs ( see:Solid-hoofed
alcoholic quadrupeds ),
but, sadly not as often as in millennia
past, given that the Pigasi run,
Pantheon-sanctioned, 'Dionysian
dance-parties©' have left
many a Centaur
( and quite a few Titans
) incapable of functioning for weeks
thereafter. In fact at one such event
Chiron fell off the wagon and ended
up m...( Ed: descriptive
content deleted, re:non-disclosure
pact Chronos vs. Dionysus, what a
Centaur and a consenting bovine do
in the privacy of a darkened paddock
is their own business
) The Pigasus also ran for the presidency of the United States in 1968. The candidacy was short-lived. Barely had Jerry Rubin begun the official introductions at Pigasus' first press conference when Rubin, Pigasus, folk-singer Phil Ochs, Stew Albert and several others were arrested on the morning of August 23rd, at the Chicago Civic Center. The humans were bailed out later in the day, but Pigasus' ultimate fate remains unknown as the arresting officers were found in an alley hog-tied and naked, their squad car was never recovered...the officers refused to make a statement regarding the incident.
"aquilis velociores leonibus fortiores"