: Personal
folio piece.
Medium : Pencil
Sketch (on Cartridge)
20cm by 26cm :
Browned off for that "aged look" in
Adobe Photoshop 2005 a.d
Design notes :
This sketch started as a study of equine anatomy.
Soundtrack (music
to draw to) : Hans
Zimmer - King Arthur (Film
Notes on the Scythians (This
is a work in progress ) :
Antiquity (8th century BC to the 2nd century
AD), Scythia (Greek Σκυθία
Skuthia) was the name for vast almost cresent-shaped
Steppe which stretches from the confines of China
to the banks of the Danube.Moving from east to west
some of the defining geographical features are the
nan Shan and Tien Shan ranges, the oxus river, the
iranian plateau then the Caucasian mountains, the
Black sea, the Carpathians and the river Danube.
In earlier prehistoric times numerous tribes succeeded
each other across this enormous plain. Pre-historians
sometimes stumble across a few nebulous facts from
those ancient, long forgotten, unrecorded years.
Dating the earliest Scythians has been problematic as they did not develop their
distinctive art style until the 6th century B.C. A. I. Melyukova suggested
that the early Scythians were descendants of tribes of the Srubnaya culture
who, between the middle of the 2nd millenium B.C. and the end of the 7th century
B.C., moved in several waves from the Volga-Ural steppes into the north Black
Sea area and assimilated the local Cimmerians. The
Scythians belonged to a panoptic cultural
that dominated the Eurasian steppe zone between
the eighth and the first centuries BC labeled
by some as the Scytho-Siberians,
this group included semi-nomadic peoples who's
domains extended from the borderes of Greece
and Persia to the borders of Zhou China. The
Scythians were the western-most
of these peoples, inhabiting the Crimea, the
steppe and forest-steppe to the north of the
Black Sea, and the Kuban river
basin. To their northeast lived the Sauromations
in the Ural-Volga region.
Massagetae were recorded in
the area of the Amu-Dar'ya
(Oxus River) and Arl Sea,
while the Sakas inhabited
the steppe and moutain-steppe region of present
day East
Kazakhstan. The area of present
day Altay Respublika was
home to the early nomads or Pazyryk culture;
to the north in the Minusinsk Basin, lived
the people of the Tagar culture.
Present day Tuva was the
centre of the Aldi-Bel and Saglin
cultures, while northern and central Mongolia
are identified with the Chandman
Culture. More than any of these groups the Scythians
have been documented in ancient writings. Their
presence in West Asia was noted in the Assyrian
chronicles. The
Scythian presence in Greek cities around the
northern region of the Black Sea is also extensively
attested to in stone inscriptions, stamped
on coins, and in the writing of many observers
following Herodotus. Even
more indicitive of a Scythian realiy
are the hundreds of burials and settlements
that have been excavated in the steppe and
forest-steppe zones. |
ancient greek scholars considered the Scythians
to be the oldest of races but for the Egyptians.
Gnaeus Pompeius Trogus, a 1st
century BC Roman historian of the Celtic tribe
of the Vocontii in Gallia
Narbonensis, attested as much. "
Scytharum gens antiquissima semper habita, quamquam
inter Scythas et Aegyptios diu contentio de generis
uetustate fuerit " the
History of Pompeius Trogus.
Scythians were
famous for their bloody tribal customs. Warriors
would decollate slain enemies then continue on to
make leather-bound drinking cups from the skulls
(as would the celts later in history). They
lined these macabre trophies with gold and proudly
displayed them to impress their guests. The ancient
Greeks' impression of Scythia
was that
of a matriarchy,
though not supported by the interpretation
of archaeological evidence ( but as the oft quoted
phrase goes 'absence of evidence...'also the greeks
were contemporaneous not 'academics with shovels
and a 2000 year age gape'). A wealthy Scythian could
take several wives, and upon his death a son
or a brother would assume them as his own. Scythian women
had little power beyond the confines of their
households, unlike their neighboring tribe the Sarmatians,
whose women not only rode but fought with the
men equally. Scythian women travelled in waggons
with their children instead. Some scholars suggest
that the women may have lived a more active and
influential life at one time.
The acts and art of war was common ground for
both sexes, the Scythian women are said
to have performed equally with the men. Scythian
women were tattooed like their mates, and the
ancient historian Diordorus commented
that Scythian women 'fight
like the men and are nowise inferior to them
in bravery'. It has
been recorded that Scythian women had to kill
three enemies in battle before marrying, and
that a mastectomy of the right breast was performed
on females to prevent it interfereing with their
archery skills.
Cannabis was not only
used by the Scythians for relaxation and ceremonies
for the dead. They had a class of shaman-magicians
called the Enaries. These
were ancient transvestites who uttered prophecies
in high pitched voices. (actually a very common
trait among shamans world wide). The Scythians believed
that these people, who had characteristics of both
sexes, were somehow also living in both worlds,
and could travel between the two. Some of the ancient
shamans are refered to as "those who walk in
smoke" or Kapnobatai by Eliade. The Kapnobatai
would be dancers and Shamans who used the smoke
of hemp to bring ecstatic trances.
this date is not right-1500 B.C.???
Scythians cultivate cannabis (Cannabis is being a
Scythian term probably derives from a Semitic origin)
and use it to weave fine hemp cloth. (Sumach 1975)
700-300 B.C. (the iron age) Scythian
tribes leave Cannabis seeds as offerings in royal
tombs. Scytho-Sarmatian
style reflected in art of the migration period in
central europe and gaul. I t also influences the
Viking art of Scandinavia.
500 B.C. Scythian couple die and
are buried with two small tents covering censers.
Attached to one tent stick was a decorated leather
pouch containing wild Cannabis seeds. This closely
matches the stories told by Herodotus. The gravesite,
discovered in the late 1940s, was in Pazryk, northwest
of the Tien Shan Mountains in modern-day Khazakstan.
500 B.C. Hemp is introduced into
Northern Europe by the Scythians. An urn containing
leaves and seeds of the Cannabis plant, unearthed
near Berlin, is dated to about this time.
300-200 B.C Fleeing Goths spread
Scytho-sarmatian style through central and southern
thing that Herodotus failed
to report about these Scythian warriors
is that they produced art of stunning force
and vitality. Around the 6th century B.C., the
Scythian created an art of
pattern and ornament with naturalistic motifs
based on animals. The favorite animals of the
Scythian style are the stag,
the horse, the ibex, the boar, the bear, the
wolf, the felines, the eagle and the fish. The
Scythian animal art style was
adopted by all the mounted nomads as far as
the borders of China by the
end of the first millennium BC. During last
two centuries, many rich and extraordinary finds
were excavated from Scythian tombs and graves
such as Pazyryk site in the
Altai mountain of south-central
Siberia, Kul Oba in the Kuban basin of the northern
Black Sea. |
Herodotus of
Halicarnassus devoted large sections of his Histories to a description of the lands of the Scythians,
their traditions and mores. Herodotus hands
the first detailed and fascinating description of
the Scythians through
4 of his histories.
He classes the Cimmerians as a
distinct autochthonous tribe, expelled by the Scythians
from the northern Black Sea coast (Hist. 4.11-12).
Herodotus also states (4.6) that
the Scythians consisted of the Auchatae,
Catiaroi, Traspians
and Paralatae or "Royal Scythians".
Throughout his work Herodotus specifically
distinguished between the nomadic Scythians
in the south and the agricultural Scythians
to the north.
668 BC the Assyrian
king Assarhaddon defeated the 'Gimmerai'
(Cimmerians, the biblical 'Gomer") under their king
Teushpa; around 674 BC, the king of the
'As-ku za' (or ishkuza-Scythians),
Bartatua, married a Assyrian princess
and, some thirty or forty years later, these same people
destroyed the kingdom of Urartu in eastern Anatolia and
took control of the kingdom of Media in northern Iran-possibly
in alliance with the Assyrians. Around 610
BC, the nomads,
then in alliance with Medes, conquered the Assyrian capital
of Nineveh, but afterwards the Medes expelled them back
north of the Caucasus; the Medes were then brought under
the hegemony of Achaemenid Persia. From around 520
the 'Saka tigrakhauda'('pointed-hat Scythians' in Persian)
became an increasing threat to the new empire.
BC king Darius the
Great of Persia attacked the Scythians,
he allegedly penetrated into their land after crossing
the Danube. Herodotus relates
that the nomad Scythians succeeded in
frustrating the designs of the Persian army by letting
it march through the entire country without an engagement.
According to Herodotus, Darius in
this manner came as far as the Volga river.
During the 5th
to 3rd centuries BC the Scythians evidently prospered.
When Herodotus wrote his Histories in the 5th century
BC, Greeks distinguished Scythia Minor in present-day
Romania and Bulgaria from a Greater Scythia that extended
eastwards for a twenty-day ride from the Danube River,
across the steppes of today's Ukraine to the lower
Don basin. The Don, then known as Tanaïs, has
served as a major trading route ever since. The Scythians
apparently obtained their wealth from their control
over the slave-trade from the north to Greece through
the Greek Black Sea colonial ports of Olvia, Chersonesos,
Cimmerian Bosporus, and Gorgippia. They also grew
grain, and shipped wheat, flocks, and cheese to Greece.
Strabo (c.
63 BC - 24 AD) reports that king Ateas united
under his power the Scythian tribes living between
the Maeotian marshes and the Danube. His westward
expansion brought him in conflict with Philip II of
Macedon (reigned 359 to 336 BC), who took
military action against the Scythians in 339 BC. Ateas
died in battle and his empire disintegrated. In the
aftermath of this defeat, the Celts seem to have displaced
the Scythians from the Balkans, while in south Russia
a kindred tribe, the Sarmatians, gradually overwhelmed
By the time of
Strabo's account (the first decades of the first
millennium AD), the Crimean Scythians had created
a new kingdom extending from the lower Dnieper to
the Crimea. The kings Skilurus and Palakus waged wars
with Mithridates the Great (reigned 120–63
BC) for control of the Crimean littoral, including
Chersonesos and the Cimmerian Bosporus. Their capital
city, Scythian Neapolis, stood on the outskirts of
modern Simferopol. The Goths destroyed it much later,
in the 5th century AD.
In the 2nd century
BC, a group of Scythian tribes, known as the Indo-Scythians,
migrated into Bactria, Sogdiana and Arachosia. The
migrations in 175-125 BC of the Kushan (Chinese
"Yuezhi") tribes, who originally lived
in modern Gansu before the Huns (Chinese "Xiongnu")
tribes dislodged them, displaced the Indo-Scythians
from Central Asia. Led by their king Maues, they ultimately
settled in modern-day Pakistan and Kashmir from around
85 BC, where they replaced the kingdom of the Indo-Greeks
by the time of Azes II (reigned circa 35 - 12
BC). Kushans invaded again in the 1st century,
but the Indo-Scythian rule persisted in some areas
of Central India until the 5th century.
contact still focused on the Hellenistic cities and
settlements of the Crimea (especially in the Bosporan
Kingdom). Greek craftsmen from the colonies north
of the Black Sea made spectacular Scythian-style gold
ornaments (see below), applying Greek realism
to depict Scythian motifs of lions, antlered reindeer
and gryphons.
Scythians used a double-curved
bow, shooting over the horse's left shoulder; arrows
had trefoil-shaped heads made, according to date,
of bronze, iron, or bone. Arrows and bow were carried
in a gorytos (bow case) slung from the left side of
the belt.
Tattoos :
Scythians had full body tattoos with
extremely intricate tribal designs, depicting both
real and imaginary beasts as well as events from their
mythology. Looking like the forerunners of modern-day
Hell's Angels, the fierce appearance of the Scythian
nomads had a formidably terrifying effect on the people
whose lands they invaded.
tattoos were revealed in 2003-2004 during an
examination of Scythian mummies which are kept
in the State Hermitage's Department of Archeology
of Eastern Europe and Siberia. this mummy comes
from the Altai, more specifically from the
Pazyryk barrows, dating from the 5th-3rd
centuries B.C. and were excavated by Sergei
Ivanovich Rudenko during 1947-1948. |
the Rise of the First Scythian Kingdom :
The first Scythian state arose among
Scythians who penetrated in the seventh
century BC from the territories north of the Black
Sea into the Near East. It was dominated by inter-ethnic
forms of dependency based on subjugation of agricultural
population in eastern South Caucasia,
plunder and levied contributions (occasionally,
as far as Syria), regular tribute (Media),
tribute disguised as gifts (Egypt), possibly
also payments for military support (Assyria).
The Scythian social structure was much decentralized.
The main features of the Scythian social organization
developed before the seventh century B.C..
It is likely
that the same dynasty ruled in Scythia
during most of its history. The name of Koloksai,
a legendary founder of a royal dynasty, is mentioned
by Alcman in the seventh century
B.C. Prototi and Madi,
Scythian kings in the Near Eastern period of their
history, and their successors in the north Pontic
steppes belonged to the same dynasty. Herodotus
lists five generations of a royal clan that probably
reigned at the end of the seventh to sixth centuries
BC: prince Anacharsis, Saulius,
Idanthyrsus, Gnurus,
Lycus, and Spargapithes.
(Herodotus IV, 76). Ateas,
reigning in the fourth century B.C., probably was
an usurper, but he also tried to connect his origin
with the ancient dynasty.
After being defeated
and driven from the Near East, in the first half of
sixth century BC, Scythians had to
re-conquer lands north of the Black Sea. In the second
half of that century Scythians succeeded
in dominating the agricultural tribes of the forest-steppe
and to place them under tribute. As a result their
state was reconstructed with the appearance of the
Second Scythian Kingdom which reached its zenith in
the fourth century BC.
Rise of the Second Scythian Kingdom :
Scythia's social development at the end of the fifth
and in the fourth century BC involved its privileged
stratum into trade with Greeks, efforts to control
this trade, and consequences partly stemming from
these two: aggressive external policy, intensified
exploitation of dependent population, progressing
stratification among the nomadic rulers. Trading
with Greeks also stimulated sedenterization processes.
The elliptical propinquity of the greek city states
of the Pontic
Cimmerian Bosporus, Chersonesos, Sindica, Tanais rimming
the black sea during this time period became
a potent inducement for a unidirectional slave trade
within Scythian society toward the Hellenic culture,
consequently, the market encouraged the
capture of slaves as lucrative spoils of war.
Isocrates (436–338
BC, Panegyricus 67) believed that Scythians,
along with the Thracians and Persians:
" The
most able to power, and are the peoples with the
greatest might. "
Written sources tell
of the expansion of Scythia before the fourth
century BC as primarily taking a westerly route. The Scythian border
expansion reached its apex during the fourth century BC
during the reign of King Ateas.
Under his sovereignty the tribune
structure of the state was eliminated, and the ruling power
became more centralized. The later sources do not mention
three basileuses any more. Strabo tells
(VII, 3, 18) that Ateus ruled over
majority of the North Pontic barbarians. Ateas fought
the Triballi --a wild and warlike
people-- (Polyaenus,
Stratagems VII, 44, 1).
true legend of history Ateas died
in battle against Philip of Macedon in 344 BC/339
BC at ninety years of age (Trogus,
Prologue, IX)"
The Scythians
subjugated a section of Thrace (Bulgarian: Тракия, Trakiya,"Trakija" or Trakia,
Greek: Θράκη, Thráki,
Turkish: Trakya)
in book 7 of his Histories, Herodotus describes
the Thracians fighting under the
"The Thracians went to the
war wearing the skins of foxes upon their heads,
and about their bodies tunics, over which was thrown
a long cloak of many colours. Their legs and feet
were clad in buskins made from the skins of fawns;
and they had for arms javelins, with light targes,
and short dirks."
The Scythians firmly
settled in Thrace and became an important factor
of political games in the Balkans. At the same
time, both the nomadic and agricultural Scythian
populations increased along the Dniester. A war
with the Bosporian Kingdom increased Scythian pressure
on the Greek cities along the North Pontic littoral.
Materials from
the site near Kamianka-Dniprovska, purportedly the
capital of the Ateas’ state, show that metallurgists
were free members of the society, even if burdened
with imposed obligations. The metallurgy was the most
advanced and the only distinct craft speciality among
the Scythians. From the story of Polyaenus and Frontin,
it follows that in the fourth century BC Scythia had
a layer of dependent population, which consisted of
impoverished Scythian nomads and local indigenous
agricultural tribes, socially deprived, dependent
and exploited, who did not participate in the wars,
but were engaged in servile agriculture and cattle
Many royal kurgans
Kul-Oba, Aleksandropol, Krasnokut) are dated
from after Ateas’ time and previous traditions
were continued, and life in the settlements of Western
Scythia show that the state survived until the 250s
B.C. When in 331 BC Zopyrion, Alexander’s
viceroy in Thrace, "not wishing
to sit idle", invaded Scythia
and besieged Pontic Olbia, he suffered a crushing
defeat from the Scythians and lost his life (Justinian,
XII, 1, 4).
The fall of the
Second Scythian Kingdom came about in the second half
of the third century BC under the onslaught of Celts
and Thracians from the west and Sarmatians from the
east. With their increased forces, the Sarmatians
devastated significant parts of Scythia and, "annihilating
the defeated, transformed a larger part of the country
into a desert" (Diodorus, 11,43,7).
The dependent
forest-steppe tribes, subjected to exaction burdens,
freed themselves at the first opportunity. The Dnieper
and Buh populace ruled by the Scythians
did not become Scythians. They continued
to live their original life which was alien to Scythian
ways. From the third century BC for many centuries
the histories of the steppe and forest-steppe zones
of North Pontic diverged. The material culture of
the populations quickly lost their common features.
And in the steppe, reflecting the end of nomad hegemony
in Scythian society, the royal kurgans were no longer
built. Archeologically, late Scythia appears
first of all as a conglomerate of fortified and non-fortified
settlements with abutting agricultural zones.
development of the Scythian society is marked by the
following trends :
An intensified
settlement process, evidenced by the appearance of
numerous kurgan burials in the steppe zone of North
Pontic, some of them dated to the end of the fifth
century BC, but the majority belonging to the fourth
or third centuries BC, reflecting the establishment
of permanent pastoral coaching routes and a tendency
to semi-nomadic pasturing. The Lower Dnieper area
contained mostly unfortified settlements, while in
Crimea and Western Scythia the agricultural population
grew. The Dnieper settlements developed in what were
previously nomadic winter villages, and in uninhabited
Tendency for proprietary and social inequality, ideological
ascend of the nobility, further stratification among
free Scythian nomads. The majority of royal kurgans
are dated from the fourth century BC.
In the fourth century BC in
the Dnieper forest-steppe zone, steppe-type burials
appear. In addition to the nomadic advance in the
north in search of the new pastures, they show an
increase of pressure on the farmers of the forest-steppe
belt. The Borispol kurgans occupied almost exclusively by
warriors both male and female. The bloom of steppe Scythia coincides
with decline of forest-steppe. From the second half
of the fifth century BC, importing of antique goods
to the Middle Dnieper decreased because of pauperization
of the dependent farmers. In the forest-steppe,
kurgans of the fourth century BC are poorer than
during previous times. At the same time, the cultural
influence of the steppe nomads grew. The Senkov
kurgans in the Kyiv area, left by the local agricultural
population, are low and contain poor female and
no-inventory male burials, in a striking contrast
with the nearby Borispol kurgans of the same era
left by the Scythian conquerors.
Growth of trade with Northern Black Sea Greek cities,
and increase in Hellinization of the Scythian aristocracy.
After the defeat of Athenes in the Peloponnesus war,
Attican agriculture was ruined. Demosthenes wrote
that about 400,000 medimns (63,000 t) of
grain was exported annually from the Bosporus to the
Athenes. The Scythian nomadic aristocracy not only
served a middleman role, but also actively participated
in the trade of grain produced by dependent farmers
as well as slaves, skins and other goods.
Scythia's later history is mainly dominated by sedentary
agrarian and city elements. As a result of the defeats
suffered by Scythians two separate states were formed,
two Lesser Scythias, one in Thrace (Dobrudja),
and the other in the Crimea and the Lower Dnieper
area (Strabo VII, 4, 5).
Rise of the third Scythian Kingdom :
Having settled Scythia Minor or "Lesser
Scythia" (Greek: Μικρά
Σκυθία, Mikrá Skythia) ,
the former Scythian nomads (or rather their
abandoned their nomadic way of life, retaining their
dominion over the rural population. This little
polity should be distinguished from the 3rd Scythian
Kingdom in Crimea and Lower Dnieper
area, whose inhabitants likewise underwent a massive
sedentarization. The interethnic dependence was
replaced by developing forms of dependence within
the society. The enmity of the Third Scythian Kingdom,
centred on Scythian Neapolis, towards the Greek
settlements of the northern Black Sea steadily
increased. The Scythian king apparently regarded
the Greek colonies as unnecessary
intermediaries in the wheat trade with mainland Greece.
Besides, the settling cattlemen were attracted
by the Greek agricultural belt in Southern Crimea.
The later Scythia was both culturally
and socio-economically far less advanced than
its Greek neighbors such as Olvia or
The continuity
of the royal line is less clear in the Lesser Scythias
of Crimea and Thrace
than it had been previously. In the second century
BC, Olvia became a Scythian dependency.
That event was marked in the city by minting of coins
bearing the name of the Scythian king Skilurus. He
was a son of a king and a father of a king, but the
relation of his dynasty with the former dynasty is
not known. Either Skilurus or his son and successor
Palakus were buried in the mausoleum of Scythian Neapol
that was used from ca. 100 B.C. to ca. 100 AD. However,
the last burials are so poor that they do not seem
to be royal, indicating a change in the dynasty or
royal burials in another place.
At the
end of the second century BC, Olvia was
freed from Scythian domination, but became a subject
to Mithradates
the Great. By the end of the first century
BC, Olbia,
rebuilt after its sack by the Getae,
became a dependency of the Dacian barbarian kings
-- Dacians were known as Geta (plural Getae)
and Dacus (plural Daci) in
Greek writings. Later
from the second century AD
Olbia was engulfed by the Roman
Empire. Scythia was
the first state north of the Black Sea to collapse
with the invasion of the Goths in the 2nd century
Library :
Recommended Reading : ( links to
if available)
Art of the Scythians: The Interpretation of Cultures at the
Edge of the Hellenic World (Handbook of Oriental Studies,
Vol 2) (Hardcover) Esther
Jacobson(-Tepfer) Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1995.
Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe (Hardcover)
Oxford Barry
Cunliffe (Editor) University Press, USA (May 12,
Story of Archaeology: The 100 Great Archaeological
Discoveries Paul
G. Bahn (editor) Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing
Group); New Ed edition (1997)
Scythians (Ancient
peoples and places. 2) (Hardcover)
Tamara Talbot Rice: Thames & Hudson. 1957.
The History of Herodotus.
Trans : George Rawlinson: (Hardcover)
University of Chicago 1952. Herodotus:
The Histories John
M. Marincola (Editor), Aubrey De Selincourt (Translator)
Penguin Classics (September 1, 1996)
Ancient Civilization of South Siberia (Hardcover)
Mikhail Gryaznov : Barrie &
Rockliff, London 1969.
First Horsemen :
The Emergence of Man (Hardcover) Frank Tippet : Time-Life
Books 1974. The World's Last Mysteries
Reader's Digest Association (January 1978)
History of Russia Nicholas
V. Riasanovsky (Author) Oxford University Press, USA; 5 edition
(March 11, 1993)
Archaeology of Ancient Turkey (Bodley Head Archaeology) (Hardcover)
James Mellaart (Author) (April 1978)
history atlas (Hardcover) Martin
Gilbert (Author) Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1972)
Note to self : Do not lend
books to people , they just don't return
the good ones. |