yet again from Beyond the grave to
travel the length and breadth of Australia during
October and November, screening the funniest cinematic
sludge from this countries most twisted BRAAINS,
featuring Short
Horror & Sci-fi
films, Grind-'Out'house featurettes, Baaaaad Taste Comedies,
Coprophilic Dodgymentaries, Cheesy
Animations, Z-grade Schlock, Slasheriffic SINema and
other Filmic Disasterpieces for
their 12th Anniverscary
Film Festival.....
" Comedy, is
when you're sitting at a sidewalk cafe on a sunny day.
A man
comes strolling along in a nice suit and you see him
fall into an open manhole. Tragedy, is
when you get a paper cut on the end of your finger
and it really hurts. Trasharama
agogo is
when the shattered remains of the man in the nice suit
attracks a roving band of canabilistic humanoid underground
dwellers, who after feasting, catch the scent of your
bleeding digit and launch out of the sewers with a
bloodlust that only your death can sate, ...while
your friend films the entire episode. "
Trasharama Short Film Festervals have revealed : the
on steroids, Dog-Boys, Greedy Guts, zombie
security guards, Road Kill, killer lesbian go-go
dancers, rabid marsupials, vampire babes, nasty aliens, faux
grindhouse trailers, Fecal doco's, L'
demented animations, Numb Skulls, even a musical number
( a personal fav) ..... |
Brief : Create Promotional comic book Style Art for the 2008 Trasharama Festerval for promotional flyers/posters.
Design notes : Ever wonder of what happens to a zombies eye if it gets torn loose from its body, does it just give up and die? HELL NO! especially if the detachment takes place in a lab overrun with the undead and the eye falls into a beaker full of human growth hormone. :)
It uses the extraocular muscles to enact a rudimentary form of movement utilising both vertical and lateral undulation, concertina and rectilinear locomotion, of course the lack of depth perception makes brain hunting a little harder. Over time it has grown tissue coated protrusions of bone fragments that resemble human hands, no doubt added by the growth-hormone and samples of cheekbone that came away from its host ( that's what he told me anyway).